Your Karma and Your Pimples

“Nothing happens without a cause.” “Things happen or exist for a reason”, In a pimple’s case; foods, hygiene, sleeping habit, growth, and sex are believed to be some of its causes. But what is the pimple’s reason for existence? Was it desire, secret, wisdom, love, lust? Was it pain or misery?

“What you sow so shall you reap” is the biblical meaning of Karma. A bad seed or bad action is equal to a bad tree, bad fruit, bad Karma. However, this article is not about karma, this is actually about pimples; karma is only an ingredient to make this write-up unique. That is why taking this creed of karma into pimple’s perspective, I write; “You shall reap the result of what you eat”. (Sounds heavy and complicated, but let me explain:)

Eating is action, Karma is action. Some people claim that “We are what we eat”; and medical research concludes that eating is one of the many causes of pimples. Pimple, therefore like karma, is the reaction of one's action, and eating is one of those actions. Our food turns into nutrients that nourish our bodies. Pimples can be a sign that we are eating the wrong food that can make us sick and suffer. Eating foods that are not good for one’s health is a bad action; a pimple, therefore, is the result of bad action or bad karma.

Karma and pimple have one thing in common: suffering. Unlike karma, which can be good or bad; I find it hard to find any goodness in pimples; although I succeed in coming out with one good reason about pimples in the previous paragraph. Pimple, especially for teenagers, is the cause of much distress. For people who are very much concerned about physical appearance, looks are everything; practically the concern of almost everyone, young and old alike. Suffering is the result of bad karma or action.

Pimples mean less attractiveness, less attraction, less self-esteem, less power, less love, less enjoyment. Life is about happiness, and pimples can be one of the hindrances of finding happiness, at least for those naive souls whose happiness is shallow. But who is shallow and who is not? I myself am so shallow enough to write about and search for complexity on pimples. I’d rather be shallow than insane, but I must admit that I think I am both. this is the reason why I am happy; and maybe also the reason why I have no pimple.

It is a common knowledge among Filipinos that a pimple is a sign that those who have it are in love. I’d say newly in love; for everyone is actually always in love either with their family or with themselves. In one Filipino popular love-song in the past, there was a verse that states that her pimples are caused by her much thinking about the one she loves. Filipino believed that pimples are results of unspoken feelings of love or lust. I mentioned lust, which is the root cause of everyone’s misery, can be the root cause of pimples. Most of the time, people mistook lust for love and love for sex.  But unlike lust that only drives people insane and miserable, love is the cause of bliss or transcendental joy.

Sex, which is far more intense and pleasurable than eating, is also an action. And whether sex lessens or aggravates pimples is not for this article to explain. As of now, this thesis is a subject of some netizen’s debate on the internet, which I do not want to engage in. But personally, I believe that sex, being so pleasurable and very much related to reproduction, should not be taken lightly, irresponsibly, and casually like eating junk foods, which is although pleasurable is bad to one’s health. Teenage pregnancy is so rampant in this country (The Philippines); and I am quite sure that Filipino young girls did not get pregnant because of not wanting to have pimples.

But if pimples are caused by hidden emotion or feeling, then a release could be its cure. But would any female choose to have sex than to have pimples? What a crazy question of choice; no one wants pimples while sex is practically everyone’s inner craving. Maybe this is the reason why almost every young girl in this country is a young mother. Pimple is a monster. And I would have not known that pimples are that scary for girls if I did not write this article (only for the sake of insane humor and weird relevance, let me conclude). And as I prostituted myself to write this pimpy essay to make money, maybe pimple is a pimp that drives young girls into prostituting themselves to have sex. Weird, but I must admit, I enjoyed writing this article; I actually loved it.

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